Friday, January 2, 2009

Damn It!!!

I made one prediction for the new year. The prediction was that Alabama would beat Utah! My year is not starting out so great. We still enjoyed the game. Addie playing cheerleader

Trey supporting his team!

Mom saying go Alabama ! I am even wearing my favorite Alabama shirt

Trey cheered so hard he lost his pants.

After the game was over, Addie actually cried real tears.

Landan the only one in the family going to bed happy.


Megz said...

What the swear word? Can you even do that on a blog called 'our family'?
Last night was probably the only time in our life where we rooted for Utah, so I have to go with Landan on this one.

cold cocoa said...

I can kind of understand the swear word because after all, this was your one and only prediction of 2009 and to have it fail on day 2 of the year is not the best start! Hurry and make some more predictions and maybe you can turn this all around.

At least they lost to Utah, though, right? Favorite number 2?

Unknown said...

Sorry to say - I'm with Landon. GO UTES!!!

Anonymous said...

i love that addie cried real tears!

Denise H. said...

Dang It! Better Luck next but at least you got some Cute pics.

Diana said...

Nobody believes me now, but I had a feeling the Utes would win. If only I'd said something people wouldn't roll their eyes and call me a liar to my face...

and I love the DAMN IT. seriously laughed out loud. not just the lame lol you put when you really smile inside but no laugh is actually audible. My new year's resolution is to swear less.... as i know cutting it out completely is never going to happen. For heaven (see? i'm doing so good already) sakes, I've let a few slip out in church. Oh well, at least i'm the same person in the church walls as I am outside. An interesting point though, I've decided if your asterick something like this DA**...that doesn't count.... oh well. Worst case scenario is Alexandra can swear in nursery and really be 100% like her mother. That can't be ALL bad. :)

leslie said...

look at your beautiful family!!! it's so great to catch up with you, and i'm so jealous you're still dancing! i'm so glad you found me, damn it! ;)

The Mathews Family said...

*giggle giggle snort*! You are hilarious!

Um so the potty training... good luck with that! :D The best thing that worked for us was patience. I didn't bend to the peer pressure of all of their little friends or cousins potty training, etc. In fact with Annebel, I waited until she actually jumped up ran to the potty and never looked back at diapers. She was almost 4 years old. *blush* Bottom line for me... it doesn't have to be a frustrating process for mom or child. It's a right of passage for the little guys... so I let them take charge. That's my two cents. Good luck!

Shortcake and Company said...

Sorry to gloat...but you know, I'm a Ute fan thrU and thrU.