Friday, January 9, 2009

A questionable gift for one's parents

I don't know what Carlene and I were thinking when we decided to give my mom and dad pillowcases for Christmas. I guess pillowcases aren't a bad idea but when they say "Save a horse, Ride a cowboy." you might just be crossing the parent/child appropriate line. Especially when the pillowcases have pictures of each other on them. My mom wasn't so fond of the gift. She said she looks like a drunken prostitute. (Sorry mom even if you didn't know it would end up on a pillowcase, you still posed for the picture.)
My dad thinks he looks smokin! My mom agreed. Maybe not such a bad gift after all.

I don't think there will be any more voluntary posing in the future.


Anonymous said...

LOL How funny!

Allison said...

Freaking Hilarious!!!!

Megz said...

Next year stick to peanuts and socks.
Maybe you were lucky and they don't get innuendo? Or is that just my parents?

cold cocoa said...

Ha ha! Very funny and creative. They did get the innuendo, right? And are they using them??

Kirsten said...

That is so funny!! :)

Unknown said...

Those turned out great!! Very funny!

Emily said...

That is hilarious!

The Barker Family said...

I seriously can't believe you made those. . and actually gave them to them! SO funny!

Diana said...

LMAO. OHMYGOSH. I have been laughing for days about this. What the ?? were you thinking?

My parents never do that. I was delivered by the stork. That is my story and I'm sticking to it. Anything else gives me the heebee geebees.

Denise H. said...

Oh My, that is so Funny! and a drunken prostitute. hahahahahahaha I bet you never thought your mom would be saying that phrase.