Tuesday, December 8, 2009

not a fan of the snow

I really don't like the snow! What is to like? It is cold. Makes a mess. No fun to drive in. I would be okay with one snow storm a year. My kids could play in it for a little while. We could build a snowman and then it could go away.
First visit with Santa this year was a huge success! None of my kids cried. I almost cried I was so happy.

Trey wouldn't look at him.

PJ really liked him until he sat on his lap and then he got a little uncomfortable.
BTW, Santa was at the Heelis Christmas party. We all had a smashing time!!


Megz said...

Amen to the snow sentiments. Give it to me for Christmas and a good sledding trip and I'm good the rest of the year.
I love how Trey is studying anything but Santa...

Michelle said...

We are so sad we missed the fun, but driving up twice in the month is not something we can do. Normally our kids won't even sit on our special friend's lap because of stranger danger. Their loss.

LC said...

Our kids loved it--Santa and all the prizes. Did anyone take any pictures of them with Santa?

LC said...

yay. Erin just emailed me photos of our girls w/Santa. Thanks for checkin'.

Linsey said...

I love snow...from far away, very, very far away.

Diana said...

AMEN. Especially on the driving part, because since I'm a Davis County transplant, during the holidays I find myself frequenting the roads even more than normal so we can make it to family festivities. Stay in the mountains. Blech.

I hope I am so lucky to have no tears in the event of a Jolly St. Nick visit. I'm going to set my standards low though because if he gets close now (with no lap sitting) I am not seeing any joy or contentment in that of my child. Fingers crossed.